
Monday, December 6, 2010

Not Lucky, But Blessed..

Mischa has been a great sleeper since the day she was born. Her first few weeks of her life she did the whole, waking up every three hours to eat.. which I was ok with because I love her, of course. Plus I could sleep all I want seeing how I don't have to work or go to school anymore :) At about one month, Mischa was sleeping through the night! I thought this was normal since I did the same as a baby... But after talking to other moms and some of our family who have little ones who are close to a year older than Mischa say things like, "my daughter/son JUST started to sleep through the night!", or, "no way, she is?!" I had no idea how ideal this was to have a baby sleeping 8-10 hours at night. I used to say well we are just lucky parents... well this sunday, a friend of mine said, "what a blessing!" and it is true... we are very blessed. Not trying to brag about this one... just pointing out how blessed we are to have a baby who lets us sleep :)
I love watching her as she sleeps, and think about how beautiful she is and how amazing it is to be a mom.
Of course, she is amazingly adorable awake too! :)

1 comment:

  1. she's the cutest 1/4 tongan baby girl ever! :) (seriously she's so adorable, i cant get over it!)
