
Monday, December 6, 2010

Surprise Thanksgivin'

This thanksgiving Benj, my sis. Selu, baby Mischa and I drove the whole 18 hours to our lovely home in Alpine, Utah to surprise our families! It was so awesome.. and our families loved seeing Mischa, since most of mine and Benj's fam hasn't seen her yet. The whole week was mainly spent with family and friends. Benj and I also got a little taste of having family around who are willing to watch Mischa so Benj and I could go out together! I had the opportunity of enjoying my FIRST Jazz game.. on the THIRD row.. so much fun. I love basketball :) We played some volleyball with a bunch of friends.. I am so out of shape.. and so SLOW! well... Im just not nearly as fast as I was Pre-Prego :) But it's only been like three months, so I guess I shouldn't be too hard on myself. We blessed Mischa as well.. It was such a fabulous experience. Here are a few pics of the trip.. Enjoy!

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