
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mischa Rae Loser ♥

Well my due date came and went. I was sooo ready to have this baby! On the 7th (technically the 8th) Benj and I checked into the hospital at midnight for my induction. About 12 long hours later Mischa Rae Loser came into this world! Born at 1:26 p.m. Weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and 20 inches long. Yes.. Benj and I were also expecting this baby to be quite long and large considering that we both are over 6 ft. tall, but she was a perfect sized baby :)
Though I come from a large family and have such a strong love for all my younger siblings, I often wondered how different my love would be for my own children. I have such a strong, but equal amount of love for my parents, my siblings, my extended family, my friends and my husband, yet each of them hold a much different place in my heart. After having my own child come into my life I now know the kind of love a parent can possess. It's most definately something one must experience themselves before they can fully understand what it feels like to be a PARENT!
Benj and I agreed that a baby brings on a whole other list of worries into our lives. But the joy a baby brings into a family is much more greater and overpowering.

^Here she is just a couple minutes old!

^ So there is a reason Benj is lying here right after the baby is born rather than enjoying the moment with me..

While I was pushing, Benj was right by my side :) until he spoke up and said that he needed to sit down because he was getting really queezy! Haha I was laughing but I felt so bad for him! Poor guy.. I'm just glad he didn't end up out cold on the floor :) As you can see in the pic above, I am holding Mischa for the first time while Benj watches from his resting spot in the background :)

Such a proud daddy!

As you'll see, in most of these pictures she is sleeping. So far she is doing so so good.. we consider ourselves lucky. If she isn't eating, she's sleeping. If she is awake, she doesn't cry much at all :)

First bath at home :)

I LOVE♥♥ everything about this little one!
I ♥ her big dark eyes..

I ♥ her adorable lips..

I ♥ the way she looks at you..

I ♥ the way she smiles in her sleep.. :)

Grandma Michelle came to visit for a week! We loved every minute of her time here!

I ♥ the way her dad adores her..

I ♥ the funny faces she makes..

I ♥ that this is the exact face I made as a baby..

I ♥ her double chin :)..

I ♥ the way she can fall asleep in any position..

As you can tell, we absolutely LOVE ♥ this little one and are so incredibly blessed to have her in our lives forever. We love being parents and look forward to watching her grow :)


  1. Baby Mischa is sure a cutie! I love her lips and eyes too. She is so beautiful and has the prettiest complexion. That is so neat you guys are parents. Still weird to think Benji is a dad, but I know you guys will be great parents! Cant wait to meet her!

  2. Thanks for the post and the darling pictures. I had such a wonderful time visiting and especially loved every minute holding and snuggling Mischa. My arms ache to hold her again! She is so adorable! I miss you all. Can't wait till you get to come home! Love You,
