
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baby Excitement!

So I know everyone back home is probably wondering what I look like right about now, considering I am 33 weeks (7 1/2 months) along and getting bigger and bigger by the day. Here is not-the-greatest picture to give you an idea!

My ward threw me a shower on saturday, and I recieved many baby gifts that made it all seem so much more real, and made me even more antsy! But the Tucker Family put together a hilarious gift for Benj that I just HAD to take a picture of:
The perfect tool collection for a soon-to-be daddy!!

Complete with tongs, goggles, face mask, gloves, air freshener, toys, blankets, and so on....

I think he's ready to go!

All set!! :)


  1. I have the biggest smile on my face right now! That is awesome. We love you guys so much. Isaac loved seeing the pictures and says, "Hi Benji and Jackie. Come Back." :)

  2. Jack, you are SO cute prego!! I am so excited for you guys. Benj cracks me up. Danny and I laughed so hard at his new "utility belt." Thanks for the blog invite. Its so cute. It will be fun to see you guys even if its just through blogging! Take care:)
