
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Recent Updates :)

Here's what's been going on recently in our home:

Since we moved to a new apartment (without a porch) Benj had to get rid of all his animals.. :( Nevertheless.. He found a way to comprimise with our situation. Here are a few of his animals that he managed to build "indoor" homes for:

  • The tree frogs: Frisbee & Kermit

Who knew a large vase, some dirt, rocks, and some sweet lookin plants could make an animal cage and home decor!
Here is my fav.. this vase is home to Blastoise (A pokemon name.. I know, wow!), the baby snapper turtle that Benj managed to rescue from the side of the highway.

He's pretty sweet lookin and a lot tinnier than he looks in this picture. His shell is only about an inch long.

And.. here is my LEAST favorite critter Benj recently acquired. Benj has named him Aragog (Giant spider on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets).. and is about the size of a golf ball. I don't like having this kind of animal in our home so we will see how long he stays......

And last, here is a short video Benj took of Mischa.. She is getting so big and strong! As you can tell we love watching her and loving on her :)
Note: Benj's nickname for her is "Mimers" (Mee-mers). Haha don't know where he came up with it but I think it's cute :) Enjoy!


  1. mischa is super cute, whenever i see pics of her it makes me want a girl really bad! she has the cutest eyes!

    oh & those are some pretty sweet animal "cages"!

  2. She is so Gorgeous Jackie! I bet you are just loving every second. Being a mom is the best. How is everything going?
