
Monday, June 20, 2011

Utah Trip: The Wedding, part 1

Benj's younger brother Cameron got married Jordan Fox on the 16th, and it was a very long and fun-filled day! Jordan is the sister of one of Cameron's closest friends, TJ Fox (that is how they met). Jordan played volleyball at my same high school a few years before I and played in college as well, so I knew of her years before they met and knew TJ as well! :) They are so perfect and adorable together and we are so excited to have her in our family. The temple/sealing was so amazing and I felt the feeling so strongly. The day outside was so perfect and I loved being on the temple grounds just visiting with family and friends. Nichole (Benj's older sister) was so kind and watched Mischa, along with Isaac and Brigham (Benj's two little nephews) during the ceremony and brought them to the temple after it was over to take pictures. Mischa looked so adorable in her little cream-colored frilly dress and she even kept her bow on for longer than 3 seconds! The picture below isn't the best, but I will post more pictures of the wedding soon.
The luncheon was held at Tepanyaki. It was soooo delicious, and I always love watching the chef's cook the food in front of us!

The onion volcano is my favorite part!

I will post more pictures from the wedding as soon as I see them or get a hold of them! :)
loves! ♥

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