
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Move.

So we moved to Louisville, KY (pronounced "lou-i-vul"). The drive wasn't too bad, only took about 12 hours, give er take! We stopped half way in St. Louis, MO. The drive was beautiful, I wish I would have taken pics of it all! Anyway, once we drove over the Ohio river, which separates Indiana and Kentucky, into the city I was sooo excited! Kentucky is so beautiful and I love all the green-ness and historical look to it! I will for sure post more pics soon :)

Mischa in our empty home in Norman. We will miss it!
Such a good girl throughout the drive!

Handled the massive truck and trailer like a champ.

Good bye Norman :(

Yes, the Pearl (car) survived the journey save and sound.

1 comment:

  1. aww it makes me sad a little reading about the you guys leaving to sell. not that i'll miss those long days of steven being gone. just that i'm here in boring old mesa and louisville looks so pretty! and it was fun hanging out with you guys! miss you!

    ps- can mischa get any cuter?!
