
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bittersweet News.

We are moving away from Oklahoma.. we were planning on moving back to Utah eventually (like mid August), so Benj can start school, but now it all is happening really quickly. The pest control company, Moxie, Benj has been working for since last April was sold to Terminix in January, so Benj will not be a sales rep for them this summer. The owner of Moxie is starting up two new companies in Indiana and Kentucky. Benj was chosen to sell in Kentucky, and they needed us out there by April to get an early start on selling.

So.... after living in Oklahoma for four years now.. im really going to miss it! It's been my home away from home, and im also going to miss the many people whom i've created relationships with, such as my team mates and close friends from church. I should be used to change and moving to a new state by now, but this place has grown on me and I have grown to love it! Every person who i've talked to about Kentucky has said how beautiful it is there, so I am excited for something new, and a new adventure with Benj and Mischa :) One of the main things I will miss is my school.... the University of Oklahoma has been so good to me, and I am so blessed to me an Alum! The campus is so beautiful, and I enjoyed each day I got to walk through it on my way to class. I will have to definately bring my kids back to this place to show them where their mom played volleyball and went to college....

I'll miss these girls so much..
I'll miss walking through this:


I'll miss seeing this:

I'll miss going to football games here:

I'll miss playing volleyball in this:

.. And studying in this:

Bittersweet... don't wanna move, but can't wait for something new!

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