
Thursday, December 9, 2010

just chillin.

Mischa has a cradle swing that she just loves. Lately, she has started to move around more, so we've had to watch her to make sure she doesn't squirm out of her car seat or swing. So last night Benj set her in her swing while she played on her own, and left to talk to me in the other room. When he returned to her room/office, I hear him say, "uh-oh"! I can't hear Mischa crying or getting fussy at all, so im like "what"? Benj has me come in to see what's going on and I find this................

Mischa had scooted all the way down to the bottom of her swing and had her legs dangling off the edge.... just chillin.. so quiet, content, and comfortable! Haha I thought it was so cute :)

LOVE her!

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