
Saturday, May 22, 2010

Summary of the Past Year..

This past year has gone by SO fast, yet it involved experiences that brought so many different feelings of emotion:

Stress. Joy. Exhaustion. Fear. Excitement. Achievement. Nervousness. Boredom. Humor. Passion. Comfort. Frustration. Relief. Sadness. Great Happiness.

This past year has involved a series of events that were more important and meaningful to our lives than any one year we've ever had. As we look back, we think to ourselves, "wow, did all that really happen in just a year?". Amazingly yes, and it is definately a year to remember!

In a nut shell, here's what went down:

To start off, let me give you a very brief history of Benj and I. We went to the same high school, but were each a part of completely different crowds. Benj enjoyed being a part of the FFA, taking on extreme sports such as snow boarding, motorcross, and anything rebelious he could think of. Meanwhile, I was enjoying the social aspect of high school. Volleyball was my life, I loved hangin with friends, and I was preparing to go play for some big Division I school. We both had completely different dreams and outlooks on life, and there was absolutely no way we would ever cross paths or meet.

Benj graduated from high school and spent a summer working. We both knew who the other was, but that was it. Cameron, Benj's younger brother, was a year younger than I and was in a group of friends that intermixed with my group of friends. One day, Benj randomly decided he'd steal my number out of Cam's phone and shoot me a text. Though this sounds lame, it was actually that one small text that started it all, and was the ONLY way Benj and I could've met. A few months later we went on our first date (just the two of us). There was no awkwardness, no mixed feelings, and it was pretty much a matter of time before we fell in love. The following year, Benj left for the Mexico, Mexico City East Mission and served a full-time, honorable LDS mission. In the meantime, I went on to play volleyball for a small Junior College, before transfering after my freshman year to the University of Oklahoma.

When Benj came home, we began dating again that summer, and the following January Benj asked me to marry him. Seven long months later, we were married in the Mt. Timpanogos Temple on August 1st, 2009. I am so incredibly grateful that my Heavenly Father has given me a husband who constantly shows such unconditional love and compassion for me. Benj truly is the man of my dreams and I am truly the luckiest girl in the world. To spend eternity with this man is one of my greatest blessings and I will cherish his love forever. Our fairytale wedding was only the beginning of our adventures together. Immediately after the wedding Benj and I packed up and moved out to Norman, OK, where I would begin my senior season and academic year at OU.

At the end of my very last season ever, my whole entire family decided they'd make the long (18 hour) drive from Alpine to Norman to see my last game. It was an absolute blast! They all got all dressed up in crimson shirts to cheer on the Sooners against Texas in our last home game of the season. We then got to celebrate Thanksgiving as a family here in Norman.

After our regular season was over, we traveled to Los Angeles, where we would take on the USC Trojans in the first round of the NCAA Div. I Volleyball Tournament. Though the team fought hard all game, we ended up losing the game, but felt we had absolutely no regrets and that we'd played our all time best. The trip itself was a blast and the entire season was full of memories that will last a lifetime. I am so so grateful for my team mates and the love and kindness they've shown me these past three years. They have been my family away from home and will remain like sisters to me. I will truly miss the game of volleyball, especially the experiences I have had with my coaches and team mates. I am also extremely grateful for the opportunity I have had to have a full-ride scholarship that paid for my entire education. I never enjoyed school but after being pushed by my coaches and team mates to strive in the class room, I realized how much an education will help me throughout my life. I really appreciate the opportunity to get such an amazing education from a great university.

After the season and fall semester was over, Benj and I headed home to Alpine to spend Christmas and New Years with our families. After celebrating Christmas, Benj's father Richard Loser, passed away after a long fourteen months of living with gall bladder cancer. It was truly a miracle that he survived this long, and we were able to share many memorable experiences as a family before he left this earth. He was an amazing example of a loving, humble, and honorable father and husband and will truly be missed. I am blessed to have him as a father-in-law, and though I wish I could've had more time to gain a closer relationship with him, I learned so much from his guidance and council he gave to us during his time here.
Shortly after returning from Christmas break, Benj and I were pleased to find out that I was pregnant! Yep.. Prego! We could not have been happier :) My doctore gave me the due date of September 3rd and we look forward to the first addition to our little family!
About sixteen weeks into my pregnancy, and half way into my last semester of school, Benj and I got the opportunity to take a little vacation out to California for Spring Break! We first flew to San Diego, where we spent four days with my grandparents in their lovely home in the beautiful city of Ramona, CA. It was so amazing to finally get to spend time with my grandparents because it had been quite a while since the last time I had traveled to Cali. to see them. During that time Cameron, Benj's bro who had just gotten home from his mission in Mexico City 2 weeks previous, came out to visit a mission companion who lived in the same area. Benj had not yet had the chance to see Cam yet, so it was great to reunite with him at the same time. A few days later we met up with the whole Loser fam to spend a week at Disneyland. It was such a blast, and we all agreed it was definately a much needed vacation.
On May 14th, 2010 I officially graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a bachelors degree in communication. It was one of the most greatest accomplishments of my life, and I am so grateful for the love and support my family has given me. I could not have done it with out them, espcially Benj :) I owe it you all my friends and family and am truly blessed to have gotten such a great education.

Around this time, we also had the joy of getting my first ultrasound.. in which we found out we are having a baby GIRL! We were so so excited, and kind of releived in a way, only because the baby names we've coming up with were mostly girls. Of course a boy would be just as exciting but we are very happy and Benj is SO excited to have a 'little princess' soon!

As we can all see.. this has been quite the year for us and our families and we have enjoyed every moment of it. We will keep you updated from here on out, especially because many of our family, friends, and loved ones are so far away. Hopefully this will keep you close to us. Enjoy!!


  1. Wow you two are amazing! Im so glad you've started a blog! Thanks for the updates :)

  2. Wow Jackie you are so cute!! You're life is like a really cute movie!!I'm so glad everything going well for you and wish you the best!! :)
