
Friday, May 13, 2011

someday.. ♥

some day i'd like to go here..
 And lay out in here..

 Someday i'd like one of these in my yard..
 and one of these on my porch..
 someday I want my own garden to look something like this...
 and this...

 and have one of these in it..
 and some of these...
and one of these! (I ♥ the fireplace)
 i'd love to sleep in one of these...
 Or go camping in one of these...

I may not get all of the above, but I love to look at these pictures and dream away!


  1. The great thing about being married to a Loser is that your blanket fort dream (bottom picture) can definitely come true. :) We miss you.

  2. I want all those things right along with ya! Your blog is cute I love it! And your baby is DARLING!!
