
Monday, May 2, 2011

Lesson of the day.

today I walked in to discover this:

sorry for the pic, but it was the only way to show how bad it actually was. I know it could have been much worse, but this was a first for Mischa. She did have a diaper when I put her down for a nap.. but she some how managed to poop everywhere EXCEPT inside her diaper... my theory is she must've taken her diaper off. pooped everywhere... then put it back on before I got there! :] I know, my daughter's got skills haha.
So we BOTH (i got poop on my arms and in my hair in the process of cleaning it up) went to the shower:

Such a little stinky!


  1. Haha! Oh joy! I love that first bath pic of her! So funny!

    THanks for the shampoo tip I'll have to try it! I trust you most since we both have curly hair (;

  2. I love that picture of her little head peeking over the tub. so cute!
