Last night we had a bit of a storm come our way. According to the weather channel, Oklahoma got it the worst because we happen to be in the middle of the massive snow storm covering all of the central, northern, and eastern states. We were hit with lightning, thunder.. then hail/snow/sleet stuff, and FREEZING wind that made big snow drifts. Making it impossible to get out of our apartment complex. The snow is not nearly as bad as it is back home of course, but the combination of crazy wind, freezing temperatures, and the states lack of snow plows or experience with snow... All of Oklahoma basically comes to a hault. Schools, stores, everything closes down. Benj didn't have to go to work.. so we pretty much stayed inside all day and hung out. Thank goodness for cable right?!
Last night around 6ish I had to run to Walmart to grab like four things and it was CRAZY! Every single cart was being used, most of the aisles had many empty shelves, I think I got like the last bag of cheese. People were acting like the end of the world was coming.. it was so nuts, I was getting stressed. A guy behind me in line was saying that every single frozen pizza was gone! haha only in Oklahoma!
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